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Membership Benefits

Members may enjoy the following benefits in the CCC, in addition to those they receive as a member of the Potters Guild of British Columbia:


-An opportunity to meet and network with other ceramic artists. This allows for the possibility of studio visits and collaborations as well as receiving feedback on your work.

-Critiques of work (in progress and complete, depending on the nature of your work and what you would like feedback on). Critiques will happen as needed by the members of the collective and will be hosted at the Gallery of BC Ceramics, unless another location is decided on.

-Participate in or host a demonstration or workshop, professional discussion, artist talk, or other activities put on by the CCC.

-Possibilities for Mentorship upon request.

-C.C.C. Exhibition at the Gallery of B.C. Ceramics

-We will have a column in the PGBC Newsletter to show images and writings about our get-togethers and possible write about members work.

-Promotion on the C.C.C.’s blog. This includes being able to write articles or guest posts to the blog, and even allows you to post studio updates or writings about upcoming shows. Please email anything you would like posted to the blog to the collective’s email.

-Website Member Page. A member page includes a brief bio, chop, and images of member’s work. 

-Promotion on C.C.C.’s social media including Facebook.



In addition, you will also recieve the member benefits of the B.C. Potters Guild


Want to learn what the Membership Benefits of the B.C. Potters Guild are? Find out here!

Membership Requirements

Membership to the CCC is juried. There is an annual fee of $57.75 to pay at the Potter’s Guild of British Columbia website after your submission is accepted. You can choose to either select "PGBC" membership or "CCC" membership. You only need to pick one, and the option for title is there to allow you choice of how you would like to identify. No matter what, you will have access to both PGBC benefits (newsletter, etc) and CCC benefits. You do not need to pay this if you’re already a PGBC Member. If you are not a PGBC member then you will need to sign up. This gives you access to the PGBC benefits in addition to the CCC and allow the CCC to use the Gallery for meetings and events, have an annual exhibition in the Gallery of BC Ceramics, and write in their newsletter. 


-Be willing to be an active member! We need your engagement to have this collective work!

-Have a membership with the P.G.B.C.

-Most likely, live in British Columbia, Canada

-Be an emerging or established artist working professionally with clay.

-Participate in gallery exhibitions the best you can.

-Attend critiques and other events such as demonstrations/workshops/discussions the best you can.

-Participate on the blog in articles and submitting updates.

-Be open to providing feedback to members about their work and networking with them.

-Willing to professionally develop as an individual and in a group setting.

-Being willing to participate in group sales of work (if the nature of your work allows it) as well as attending art events the collective chooses to participate in.


If you are interested in joining the collective, please ensure first that you have a Potter's Guild of BC membership that is in good standing, then please head on over to the Submissions page to learn on how to apply to be juried into the collective.



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